What Are Common Types of Workplace Harassment?

What Are Common Types of Workplace Harassment?

Every job comes with its own challenges, stresses, and frustrations. But those challenges should never be due to unfair, threatening, and harassing treatment from other employees, supervisors, managers, and owners. Unfortunately, countless California workers deal with that exact scenario every day, which not only makes them less effective at their jobs, but it can also …

How to Tell if You’re Misclassified as an Independent Contractor

How to Tell if You’re Misclassified as an Independent Contractor

One of the most common ways that California employers take advantage of workers is by utilizing them as independent contractors instead of employees. Independent contractors are also known as 1099 workers because of the tax forms they’re sent by the businesses they work for rather than W-2 forms. Businesses misclassify workers as contractors because doing …

Independent Contractor or an Employee? The Difference is Huuuge!

Independent Contractor or an Employee? The Difference is Huuuge!

Employers regularly disregards the differences between an independent contractor and an employee. Employers be warned. Such disregard could spell trouble and prove extremely costly. First, if the misclassification is intentional, then there are hefty penalties upwards of $25,000.00 which the employer will incurr. Second, and perhaps more importantly, if a plaintiff’s attorney gets a hold …

IP Concerns for Startups

IP Concerns for Startups

Many new and up-and-coming companies want to share their new goods, services, or technology with the world. However, there are mistakes that startups can make that can put their intellectual property at risk. For this reason, each startup should have a carefully considered intellectual property strategy tailored to your company’s goals and industry. Startup owners …

"Write Once, Run Anywhere" – POS Patent Infringement Lawsuit Reversed on Appeal

"Write Once, Run Anywhere" – POS Patent Infringement Lawsuit Reversed on Appeal

In this POS patent infringement lawsuit, CardSoft sued VeriFone and others asserting infringement of its software patents. Both companies are in the point of sale (POS) industry that consumers recognize as credit card readers, and also the industry that Apple is seeking to gain market share in with its new concept of Apple Pay. At …

One Plus One Does Not Equal New. The Federal Circuit Invalidates I/P Engine’s Patents

One Plus One Does Not Equal New. The Federal Circuit Invalidates I/P Engine’s Patents

I/P Engine brought a patent infringement lawsuit against Google and several other defendants for infringing on several of its patents. The patents at issue relate to a method for filtering Internet search results. The patents’ main operational features determine the relevance of an Internet search by, for example, extracting text from a web page (known …

Should I Set Up My New Business in California or Nevada?

Should I Set Up My New Business in California or Nevada?

Generally, business owners who own and operate a business in California as a sole proprietorship or general partnership, may be considering establishing a more formal business entity, such as a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, or some other entity.  Such owners initially ask themselves where, i.e. in which state should I create this legal entity?  …

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  • 18201 Von Karman Ave, Ste 1190, Irvine, CA 92612
  • (949) 362-0100
  • (949) 362-0101

Office Hours

  • Monday: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
  • Tuesday: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
  • Wednesday: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
  • Thursday: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
  • Friday: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
  • *After Hours By Appointment