(949) 362-0100
Category: <span>Employment Law</span>

Category: Employment Law

What Are Common Types of Workplace Harassment?

Every job comes with its own challenges, stresses, and frustrations. But those challenges should never be due to unfair, threatening, and harassing treatment from other employees, supervisors, managers, and owners. Unfortunately, countless California workers deal with that exact scenario every day, which not only makes them less effective at their jobs, but it can also...

How to Tell if You’re Misclassified as an Independent Contractor

One of the most common ways that California employers take advantage of workers is by utilizing them as independent contractors instead of employees. Independent contractors are also known as 1099 workers because of the tax forms they’re sent by the businesses they work for rather than W-2 forms. Businesses misclassify workers as contractors because doing...

5 Common Types of Unpaid Overtime

If you’re paid an hourly rate, you expect the hours you put in at work to be accurately recorded and compensated. But not all workers are paid correctly down to the minute. Some aren’t even paid accurately down to the hour, and they may be seriously underpaid for weeks, months, or years. When this happens,...

What State Laws Protect Employees?

When you accept a job in California, you expect to be a critical component of your team and a valued employee of your company. But thousands of employees throughout the state are mistreated every day. If that happens to you, do you have any legal recourse? The answer depends on whether any state or federal...

Are You Owed Overtime Pay?

Many people work long hours in California, whether it’s a double shift at a restaurant or a late night at a top tech firm. Anyone who exceeds 40 hours of work per week should stop and consider whether their employer owes them any overtime for their extended work hours. Not everyone is entitled to overtime...

Gender Discrimination

Passed up for a promotion because you are a woman? Getting paid less than your male counterparts? You may be entitled to damages! If you have been discriminated against because of your gender, you may be entitled to compensation to remedy the injuries, which you have incurred.  According to the Equal Pay Act (California Equal...