(949) 362-0100
IP Now

IP Now

What is copyright infringement?

A lot of people confuse copyright and trademarks, but they are, in fact, very different. A trademark is a visual indicator that a service or product belongs to a particular company or entity (think logo)—copyright, on the other hand, grants exclusive legal rights to the originator of a piece of written or artistic material. Performances,...

What is a blockchain?

If you have been following the volatile cryptocurrency market, you may have heard the term “blockchain.” To many, the concept may seem complicated, and while it is a new idea in banking, the core concepts behind blockchain databases are quite simple. A blockchain is a type of database that stores information electronically. The thing that...

How Our Company History Can Work For You

The Jafari Law Firm was founded in 2005 by David Jafari. Jafari came to the United States from Iran in 1978 to attend college for engineering. Once he finished up his studies, which included a master’s and Ph.D., he went to work with cutting edge technology. He began to encounter legal roadblocks after founding a...

Understanding Patents and How the Jafari Law Group Can Help You Secure One

As a business owner, your most valuable resource is your mind. Your ideas, original inventions, and processes are what set your business apart. Ideas are an incredibly difficult thing to quantify and protect, but without legal protection, nothing is stopping a competitor from stealing your inventions and your customers right out from under you. The...

How To Defend Patent Rights in Orange County

The Jafari Law Firm specializes in intellectual property law. Our law offices are located in Orange County, and we help both businesses and individuals to protect their ideas.  We can handle patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, licensing, fintech & blockchain, fees, and employment law. Our mission is to provide you with an innovative and cost-effective...

Did Your Political Opinion Get You Fired?

First Amendment rights continue to be an essential pillar of what makes the United States a free country. Not only does this amendment protect your rights in a public setting—it also protects you in employment settings as well. Political discrimination in work settings has been on the rise as social media gains traction and privacy...

Are You Owed Overtime Pay?

Many people work long hours in California, whether it’s a double shift at a restaurant or a late night at a top tech firm. Anyone who exceeds 40 hours of work per week should stop and consider whether their employer owes them any overtime for their extended work hours. Not everyone is entitled to overtime...

What is Trade Secret Protection in CA?

“Trade secrets” are a form of intellectual property protection that is separate from patents, trademarks, and other formal protections. Trade secret protection can be beneficial in different ways, including it does not require the disclosure of the protected information (like a patent) and it can apply to many types of information that may not qualify...

Gender Discrimination

Passed up for a promotion because you are a woman? Getting paid less than your male counterparts? You may be entitled to damages! If you have been discriminated against because of your gender, you may be entitled to compensation to remedy the injuries, which you have incurred.  According to the Equal Pay Act (California Equal...

Independent Contractor or an Employee? The Difference is Huuuge!

Employers regularly disregards the differences between an independent contractor and an employee. Employers be warned. Such disregard could spell trouble and prove extremely costly. First, if the misclassification is intentional, then there are hefty penalties upwards of $25,000.00 which the employer will incurr. Second, and perhaps more importantly, if a plaintiff’s attorney gets a hold...